
日本の秋一、にほんのあき、FALL IN JAPAN(1)

What are these flowers??  菊、きくor
Chrysanthemum, mum in English.

I missed these elaborately cultivated flowers that bloom for showcase in shrines and temples in Japan for many years.  Finally I was able to see them in a nearby shrine where I biked with my girl friend from high school.  

Learn colors!!


If you are an artistic florist, you would be more excited to make a human shape out of flowers, wouldn't you?  There used to be an exhbition called, KIKUNINNGYOU, Kiku for mum, Ningyou for dolls, which are TV drama characters made of flowers.  I would be exhilarated to be surrounded by KIKU if I was a doll?!

2 件のコメント:

Khang さんのコメント...

kiku wa tera de dake mitsukeru?

森村三樹子 さんのコメント...

先生は、きくを 神社/じんじゃで見ました。とてもきれいでしたよ。アメリカに、こんな花がありますか?