
Students Expectations


GOALS of the JAPANESE COURSE (based on the RI standard):
To gain knowledge in Japanese culture.
To hone skills in oral Japanese (speaking and listening).
To hone skills in written Japanese (reading and writing).
To compare the Japanese culture to your own culture.
To bring the language in to your own life through events outside of classroom.
To prepare language abilities to AP level.

目標:もくひょう  Goals for 2015-16 (名前/なまえ) ________________________________

Skills I will most focus are:

1 ______________________

2 ______________________

3 ______________________

Strategies for the first quarter:
1 ______________________
2 ______________________

3 ______________________

Who are your good friends in class?  What are their email/contact numbers?

___________________________  _______________________

___________________________  _______________________

Parent's signature _______________________________  date ______

Sensei's signature _______________________________  date ______

Please hand in this sheet by the end of the second week of September, 2016.  
HOMEWORK / しゅくだい毎日、しゅくだいして下さい。
1 Daily review of the class contents.  
2 Daily review of vocabulary words, Kanji, and grammar from the textbook.
3 Worksheets of other activities that are assigned by Sensei

Daily homework and review are keys to succeed in language classes.  
Use a single lined paper when you need to submit, or your notebook for your own daily review/homework.  Some homework are required to be typed (for level 3 and up). 

If you finish your homework fast, or when there is not specific assignment,
1 Review vocabulary or other materials that were covered in the class.
2 Go ahead and learn new vocabulary in the future lessons.
3 Go on online sources to practice your listening.  

Homework will be accepted for the full grade on the next day (or on the due date for a long term assignment), one day late is acceptable with 10 points off. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to ask for assignments that you have missed.  You should make up your work within a few days.  Each homework is graded and return to you soon.  See homework grading system under GRADING.

Make good friends and share contact numbers.  ______________  ________________

QUIZ, クイズ   At least once a week.  
Random quizzes at least once or twice a week if not more.  Students need to be prepared every day!!!  If you are absent on the day of the quiz, you may make up the quiz within a few days.  All the make up quiz should be taken before or after school.  You are not allowed to take a makeup quiz during the class.  THERE IS NO MAKEUP QUIZ FOR THOSE WHO FAILED THE QUIZ.  You may stay after school for extra help. Tutoring and self study session is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please do not hesitate to join.  You may be assigned a peer tutor upon request.  

Each student is expected to:
Be prepared with your TEXTBOOK, NOTEBOOK, BINDER & other supplies DAILY.
Students should RESPOND to Sensei’s questions in Japanese when appropriate.  
RAISE HANDS when you have an answer.  
RESPECT EACH OTHER.  Know that each student has different learning style.  
BE POSITIVE AND BE HAPPY for ALL class activities.
Work hard to your FULL POTENTIAL.  (120% of your abilities!!)
TAKE NOTES effectively.  
PURSUIT EXCELLENCE in pair work, group work, and class work. 

In a small group work, each student must:

Work well and CONSTRUCTIVELY in any assigned group.
Work to your FULL EFFORT. Volunteer to do work.
CONTRIBUTE your abilities to the group.
Do not waste time; get right to work.
FOCUS on the work.
Prepare and get ready for the work at home. 

仲間/なかま A CIRCLE OF FRIENDS.  We will create the intellectual NAKAMA by working very hard together to achieve our academic goals.  Sometimes, class participation grade apply for the entire group, not for the individual student.  Good luck!!  Learn to work well with different people with different learning styles.  Learn there are 十人十色.  The small group work will foster your learning and make the lesson more lively.  You can always find something to learn from your friends.  

You must bring in to the class everyday:
Your assigned TEXTBOOK (write your name on the back of front cover).
One subject NOTEBOOK (only for Japanese)
Binder (see the Binder section)
Pencils, eraser, and a red pen.
Pencil case.
Small pencil sharpener
(three-hole puncher)

Keep at home to study:
Index cards (to study for vocabulary quiz)
Markers or color pencils (for creative projects)
Three hole puncher
Pencil sharpener
Shoe box to save the index cards. 

Binder and two folders
Keep two folders within a binder.  Save all worksheets, quizzes, tests, and activity sheets.
Each pocket of the folder should hold the materials listed below separately.
1 worksheets, 
2 quiz/test, 
3 homework
4 Kanji 
(5 culture and other information)

Take class notes and practice writing.  Do homework on your notebook.  Organize and use one notebook only for Japanese.  No RAKUGAKI, and keep your notebook neat and clean.  
Notebook/binder check for your homework grade, each quarter.

KANJI is the essential part of Japanese studies. Kanji is artistic, visual and fun!!  You will learn approximately 100 kanji by the end of level 2, and another 100 in level 3.  In total by the end of level 4, you will know more than 400 kanji and the combinations of each.  Try to learn even more!! To master Kanji fast, you may use traditional index cards or become totally computerized.  Find your favorite app and share in class.  Quizlet, Kanjialive are always good tools.  See the Kanji list that students are expected to know for each level.

It is recommended to use computer to study Japanese at home. Students must learn how to type in Japanese as soon as mastering handwriting Hiragana and Katakana.  From Level 3 and up, students are expected to type all homework assignments.  

The following sites and many other sites are recommended for students to increase knowledge on Japan and build awareness.  Go to those sites for culture projects as well:  \

http://quizlet.com/class/99410/ (password,classical) 

The average of the following categories will be calculated as a quarter grade: homework and daily review(20%),  quiz, class (20%) class participation and behavior (20%)chapter test/project (20%)exam (20%) (for second and fourth quarter) 

SENSEI’s V system for homework and classparticipation grade: If the collected work is more than expected, V++ (100%) ...as is expected, V+ (90%) ...satisfactory, V (80%) ...unsatisfactory, V- (70%) ... unacceptable, you will get 0%  - 45%

The most commendable students are interested in Japanese Language and Culture, they pursuit their knowledge and progress in their skills in language regardless to the grading.  

If you have any questions or concern about the class, please come to see me after or before school. You can always send me an email to:  
You can always find me on Facebook under mimi morimura.  


Throughout the year, Classical Japanese classes host several events to learn more about Japanese culture.  By participating in the cultural events, students build group spirit as a part of an unique Japanese community at Classical.  All students are  welcome and encouraged to join the group.  The followings are the highlights of such events.

Movie Nights
Culture Day @ Classical Spirit Week
Field Trip?
Sakura Festigal, May 7th


The Classical Japanese Classes have launched a serious fundraising effort in order for a group of enthusiastic students to go to Japan for an educational immersion trip in July, 2016.  The students need to have studied Japanese for two years before the departure.  Check on our past trip and the exchange with Chosei High School at: