In Japanese, maples equal foliage. When I type MO-MI-JI for maple, the kanji for foliage shows up. The first two kanji reads both as MOMIJI and KOUYOU, the latter means foliage. ヘんですね。People go hunting MOMIJI or maple late October through mid November.
もみじがりmeans literally, hunting maple, colloquially, the word MOMIJI-GARI is used for an outing to view foliage. きれいですねぇ。
Wait a minute! I am from New England, we have really outrageous KOUYOU or foliage. ニューイングランドの紅葉/こうようは、すごーーいですよ。
However, its subtlety and mysterious atmosphere in the Japanese mountains during this time of the year is superb.